280324 ham sandwich

i feel like everything and nothing has happened in the past month lol im rereading my yummy diary entry and ive realised that a lot of the stuff i said then are also applicable to me now. im a little more settled into school and things are generally going okay, but i would be lying if i said i've completely adjusted. im still in the process of making friends and getting to know my schoolmates better, which is kinda awful for my social battery ngl.

something really fun ive done recently was the taylor swift concert i went to earlier this month! i really love live music it was such an amazing experience. im not a hardcore swiftie so i didnt get any pcd and i didnt know some of the surprise songs lol but it was still fun to yell lyrics and jump around with my friend heheh i also have a bruno mars concert next friday that im super excited for! im planning to wear jorts and my lightning mcqueen crocs (which i just picked up last week yayyy) ive been wanting them forever theyre gorgeous

ive been looking at perfumes lately after a friend of mine wore the maison de kurkdjian baccarat rouge 540 and it was amazing waughakjsgh i actually only wear one or two scents from armani (figuier eden and i cant remember the name of the other one) that i took from my aunt's collection bc they smelled amazing but now i kinda want to expand my collection oops! i adore my figuier eden perfume i think it matches my personality and style a lot! here are the notes xx (im actually quite bad at discerning notes so i had to search it up on fragrantica)

i feel like spring-summery scents suit me better and they're pretty fun to wear too! but after smelling the baccarat rouge 540 im honestly so tempted to get a decant for myself. im not a big fan of bright floral notes or really in-your-face perfumes, but i guess its worth to do some exploration and see what i like.

- j